Volunteer with Us

The Meatloaf Kitchen is run entirely by volunteers! We wouldn’t exist without you.

No special skills are required for volunteering except for the ability to take direction, work hard, and be kind and respectful to our guests and fellow volunteers.

When you arrive, you will be assigned to work with one of our experienced team leaders who will provide directions and answer any questions.

Interested in Volunteering?

Please submit the form below or email our Volunteer Coordinator so that we can schedule a time for you to join us. It is important for us to maintain the proper level of staffing each week so that both our guests and our volunteers receive the best experience possible.

What will I be doing?

Morning Shift
7:30 a.m. to 11:30 am

Duties include serving breakfast — both sit down and to go — to our morning guests, and helping to prepare lunch. In addition to making meatloaf, we prepare fresh salad, vegetable sides, and bake over 300 cupcakes.

Afternoon Shift
11:30 am to 3:30 pm

We serve our signature meatloaf meal, both sit-down and to-go. Duties include greeting guests, serving food, and bussing tables.

All volunteers participate in the clean-up of food prep and service equipment and our facility.


When & Where

Meatloaf Kitchen is open every Saturday at:

The Cardinal Spellman Center

137 East 2nd Street
Between First Avenue & Avenue A
New York, NY 10009


  • No special skills are required for volunteering except for the ability to take direction, work hard, and be kind and respectful to our guests and fellow volunteers.

    The minimum age for volunteering is 15 and all minors must be accompanied by an adult.

    To protect the privacy of our guests, we do not allow volunteers to photograph or interview our guests.

    We do not permit volunteers to proselytize their religion or give or sell things to our guests.

  • Volunteers should be prepared for manual labor, so wear sturdy, closed-toe shoes and clothes appropriate for serving meals in a restaurant setting. No tank tops, please. Bring an apron if you have one. All volunteers must cover their hair as mandated by the NYC Health Department, so consider wearing a baseball cap or other head cover. If not, a hair net will be provided to you.

    Personal belongings can be stored in a locked closet but, to be safe, it is best to leave valuables at home. 

  • We need volunteers throughout the year, but it is generally harder for us to get volunteers during summer holiday weekends (Memorial Day, 4th July and Labor day weekend).

  • We give school credit for community work but are not able to give credit for court-mandated community service.

  • If you have worked with us a few times, and you would like to commit to volunteering on a regular basis, please speak with one of our managers about joining one of our special teams of cooks, meatloaf and salad makers, bakers, outreach workers, and greeters.