Make a Donation

animation of box filling with falling dollars, coins, checks, credit cards, and a heart

University Community Social Services
(d/b/a The Meatloaf Kitchen) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that depends on donations from people like you to continue our work. While our official name refers to our origin at New York University, today we are not affiliated with any other organization. We are entirely volunteer-run, without a single employee, so virtually every dollar you give goes towards providing meals and services to our guests.

  • $50 - Coffee and tea for a week

  • $100 - Freshly-made garden salad

  • $200 - Fresh fruit for a week

  • $500 - Meatloaf for a week

  • $1,500 - Lunch for a week

  • $3,000 - Rent for a month

Donate via Check

Donations by check help us avoid processing fees, so that every dollar you give goes to work for our guests.

Please make check payable to:

University Community Social Services
PO Box 230728
Ansonia Station
New York, NY 10023

Donate Online

Set up a recurring donation or one-time payment on Paypal. All major Credit and Debit cards are accepted.

Make your donations go even further. Many companies provide matching funds for charitable giving by their employees while others make direct contributions to to community-based non-profit organizations. Please check with your employer.

Please make your
fully tax-deductible donation today!